It is the last weekend of Spring and the temperature is already rising. If you don't believe me, just ask the guys on the highway selling "cold" water. Well before we get too embroiled.. Happy Father's Day to all you fathers and "Baby Daddy" out there. I went Shopping with Lisa errh "Leona" on Saturday with two of her friends (Alice and OJ) big shoutout ladies. Yours truly gave himself a fathers day haircut (with a set from just prior to being asked if I would like to tag along. Since that wa my best (only) offer all day I quickly jumped at the chance. After leaving with Lisa (who calls me "Uncle Dwaine" and I like it) we collected her friends at various Junctures and had a somewhat scenic and educational drive. He hit 2 Malls about 40 miles away and I shopped not bought.
After wandering off to Target from Sears and missing the rondezvous with the ladies we were back on track. The day ended well.
I made and received a few father's day calls, some Long Distance (London,Antigua & Barbados), had some breakfast and relaxation I was ready for what the day had to offer.
Father's Day sunday: I was taken to church Yesterday by
Lisa. We stopped by a nearby pharmacy to get me some AAA batteries for a Waterproof P&S. I received a genuine "Sticker shock" when I leaner that the batteries were $10.00 not 5. (the Duracells were put in the place of the Generic ones which cost less than $5.00) All I saw was that little "Free" Phillips Screwdriver... the rest was a blur.
We arrived at Church Late
r so most of the parking spots were taken so my niece parked partially in front of a driveway... more on that later. The church service was good and I took some stills and Vids, i Shook the pastors hand a said a few words to him. My Mother enjoyed that Baptist church during her trips to Philly. So after leaving the church and hearing my niece saying "No, he is not my 'Friend', Just my Uncle" and "My Uncle is not 'Old'" to a Guy we eventually left...Oh, the title of the sermon was "Men of A certain Age" Part 2.
We were all hustling for her to go to her Job in the Valley Forge (King of Prussia) area, going back to the burgundy Neon, when Leona noticed a smell and then saw a broken rotten egg on her windscreen and the shell on her car roof...She was in no way amuzed. Me, I tried to cheer her up on the way to the car wash. Running late, reduced visibility, having your uncle saying "it's not that bad", smelling rotten eggs and the worst..having to pay to have it cleaned, was just abid much for her, it was a one-sided conversation. While the vehicle was being cleaned we went inside and she offered me a choice of a drink, so I chose the Aloe flavored one. Car cleaned very quickly then Home.